Sonar® A.S.

Sonar AS aquatic herbicide will remove unwanted weeds from your lake or pond for a year or longer with a single treatment. Looking for a powerful pond weed killer? No other aquatic herbicide on the planet is more effective on duckweed, period. Unlike other aquatic herbicides, Sonar aquatic herbicide has no restrictions on water use after application. Swimmers can still swim. Fisherman can still fish. Livestock can still drink. Check the label for irrigation precautions.

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Sonar AS aquatic herbicide will remove unwanted weeds from your lake or pond for a year or longer with a single treatment. Looking for a powerful pond weed killer? No other aquatic herbicide on the planet is more effective on duckweed, period. Unlike other aquatic herbicides, Sonar aquatic herbicide has no restrictions on water use after application. Swimmers can still swim. Fisherman can still fish. Livestock can still drink. Check the label for irrigation precautions.

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Size Option

1 Pint Bottle, 1 Quart Bottle, 8 Ounce Bottle